The Quebrantahuesos and the Treparriscos gather all of us together in a very special day that continues brining us unique moments, but the QH spirit does not end here. During the rest of the year, our communications team works to maintain the flame of the illusion alive and to keep everyone informed.
Do you need to contact our team? Write us an email to the following direction:
Prensa: prensa@quebrantahuesos.com

The QH Channel is a good way to live the Quebrantahuesos in depth, staying updated through the official Youtube channel of the Marcha Cicloturista Ibercaja Quebrantahuesos presented by Oakley.
The QH Channel helps us to remind all those good memories that we passionately lived during the QH weekend and, at the same time, completes the QH experiencia with unique material.
In the QH Channel you may find specific advice about nutrition, cycling routines and many others from a very wide range of experts. Everything a participant or a cycling fan may need to take the sport to a new level.
Great and recognized figures such as Óscar Pereiro, Continental ambassador and a great friend of us, are very usual in the channel, adding the extra value of their own experiences.

Do you want to design your own kit and do you need the official logo of the Ibercaja Quebrantahuesos presented by Oakley?
Download it here and follow the good use guide: