QUEBRANTAHUESOS consists of two different routes, which take place at the same time:
- Quebrantahuesos Gran Fondo (200 km)
- Treparriscos Medio Fondo (85 km)
Since that both cyclosportive routes pass through highly valuable natural environments and for the participants’ safety the number of cyclists is limited. For this reason and given the high demand of applications to enter both cyclosportives, it is mandatory to do a lottery. Each cyclosportive has its own individual lottery and only one application per person is allowed, having to choose between Quebrantahuesos Gran Fondo or Treparriscos Medio Fondo.
To participate in either cyclosportives it is mandatory to be in possession of a competitive or cyclosportive cycling license issued by a national federation assigned to the International Cycling Union (UCI), which insurance has coverage in Spain and France. Licenses from other sports (triathlon, mountaineering, etc.) are not admitted.
Those who do not have a cycling licence of these characteristics, must contract the one-day-insurance provided by the organisation (18€) Medio Fondo.
Given that the total number of available places is limited, and there are usually more applicants than available places, in order to qualify for one of them it is necessary to pre-register within the period enabled for this purpose by paying a non-refundable amount of € 4 (VAT included), to have the right to participate in the draw for available places. The raffle is broadcast in streaming on the website and official YouTube channel. Only if the total number of pre-registrations is less than the number of places available, all pre-registered will be entitled directly to a place by filling in the registration form and paying the relevant economic rights. There is no possibility of participating in the Quebrantahuesos or Treparriscos, without pre-registration, even if the total pre-registrations were less than the available places, unless the interested party meets the requirements to access any of the extraordinary routes offered by the organization.
The application to enter the lottery can only be done by completing the form available in the official website.
Features of the lottery:
- Only one application per person is allowed.
- This application is only valid to enter the lottery of one cyclosportive, not for both.
- A 4€ fee (VAT included) per person is required in order to enter the lottery. If you are unlucky in the lottery, this amount is not refunded.
- To enter the lottery, you must enter the following details: name, surname, ID number and e-mail address (it’s essential that the e-mail address correct, it will be the only communication channel if you are awarded a slot).
If the e-mail address and/or ID number are incorrect, the system will not allow you to complete the registration later, if you have been awarded a slot through the lottery.
In order to increase the chances of success, each application allows to add four other people. If one person from this group is awarded a slot by lottery, the remaining members of the group will also receive a slot.
The lottery process is very simple. There are two ballot boxes, one for each cyclosportive. In each ballot box there are as many ballots as applications. From each ballot box a number is randomly picked. This number and the subsequent are awarded slots for the corresponding cyclosportive, until its quota is completed.
The applicants awarded with a slot, receive via e-mail an access code to be able to register in the selected cyclosportive.
To formalise the registration it is compulsory to pay the registration fee through the secure payment gateway at the official website using credit card or debit card.
Treparriscos registration fees:
- With valid cycling license 75€ (VAT included)
- Those who do not have a valid cycling license, must take out the one-day insurance offered by the organization (18 €) = 93 € (VAT included)
Those who do not complete their registration in the established period, lose their slot.
- Registration includes the official cycling jersey, one bidon and all the services and activities that the organization offers.
If after the slots assignment and registration period, there are free slots, these will pass to other applicants offering the possibility of registration to those not fortunate in the Quebrantahuesos draw.
Once the registration process has finished, the organisation proceeds to assign start numbers.
The numbers are assigned in order to register for the event.
There is a single starting grid on a first-come, first-served basis, just behind the last Quebrantahuesos Gran Fondo grid.

Saturday, June 21, 2025, at approximately 07:45 hours (after the Quebrantahuesos Gran Fondo departure).
3:15 p.m.
Friday, June 20, 2025 from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and the same day of the event from 5:30 a.m. and up to one hour before the departure of QH (6:15 a.m.).
Friday, June 20, 2025 from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and Saturday, June 21, 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. or until the arrival of the last participant.
Saturday June 21, 2025, at 16:30, in the truck stage.
Saturday June 21, 2025, from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (in the bib delivery tent).