JUNE 22 2024

Assignment and collection of bib numbers for the Quebrantahuesos and Treparriscos 2021


The Marcha Cicloturista Ibercaja Quebrantahuesos sponsored by Oakley is here and, with it, the numbers have been assigned. You can now check your number for Quebrantahuesos and Treparriscos 2021. During the following days, the instructions will be sent so that you can download the QR code access tickets with which you can proceed to collect the numbers.

From the organization, it is recommended to collect the number in the assigned time slot. It has been assigned randomly, seeking to avoid crowds and respect the covid protocols. However, participants will be able to pass by at another time of their choice for their convenience, but the entry will be regulated according to the capacity established by QR code access control.

For every participant of the Quebrantahuesos, it will be mandatory, during the delivery of numbers, to present the digital EU Covid certificate with the complete vaccination schedule. The recovery certificate will not be valid and, in any case, those who do not have a certificate will have to go to the medical services tent for a rapid antigen test at a cost of 10 euros. Certificate and antigen testing are not required for Treparriscos participants.

In addition to exchanging the QR code access and showing the digital certificate or the negative in the antigens, the QH participant must provide the following documentation:

– DNI / NIE / Original passport

– UCI federation license for competition or cyclotourism, or having contracted the temporary license for the event. In case of not having contracted the license and not having it, the participant must go to the incident tent before collecting the number.

– Valid and current medical certificate [Only for QH participants]

– EU Digital Covid Certificate (Covid Passport) [Only for QH participants]